Flooring is on the radar. The original marble hex tile has made its way out of the bathroom to make way for a level floor for the new tile. Tune Sea navy fingerprint tile has finally arrived fresh off the boat from Italy and now resides in the living room until the final resting place in the bathroom. The bathroom pile is growing larger by the week as it slowly makes its way upstairs to the bathroom. The cats love nothing more than playing on the material pile, especially the sink box, one of their favorite to play king of the mountain on.

The built-in shower holder has taken shape, hopefully aligned with the master tile plan. Stay tuned for the developing story when the tile goes up. There were extensive tile layout mock-ups to help decide the placement of the built-in, hopefully all will go accordingly to plan.

Some of the walls are finally being closed up. Slow progress, because everything depends on another piece which isn't quite done yet. In total, approx. 1 wall is done and three to go. The long wall with the vanity is waiting for the light fixture to come to rough in the junction box. Estimated delivery is Tuesday of this week. The sanitary stack also needs to be framed up and giant hole in the ceiling needs some blocking so the ceiling has something to fasten to.

The squash is hanging in there, literally, as it takes over most of the garden. Hopefully, it is not going to cross pollinate with the tomato's or peppers near by. We still have peppers a plenty and more keep coming, it has been the most prolific crop to date.

The soy beans are getting ready to be picked, they are really really fuzzy.

These beans were picked fresh for dinner and they were delicious. We have some other bean plants that have tiny little beans started, so this plant is about done and we can move onto the next.

Weekly garden post. No weeding done this weekend, a must this week to keep everything in check. The rain barrel is ready to water the garden this week and keep things moving along. Some of the tomato's are turning orange so those aren't far behind.
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