A garden miracle has arrived in the form of broccoli. Two tiny heads have started to grow after all hope was lost that they were planted to late in the season. It is such a shame to see giant broccoli plants but no broccoli veggies anywhere to be seen, until this weekend.

The tomatoes are still hanging onto their green color and are slowly turning. Intruders of unknown source have taken claim to some of the first red tomatoes and some Roma's on the vine. There are plenty of tomatoes to go around so it is not that
devastating, yet.

Banana pepper are still to date the most prolific crop at the
Berardi Farm. Lots of peppers and no appeal to any intruders.

edamames, we heart you. The first plants were tiny and produced barely enough for dinner. Luckily there are bigger and taller soy bean plants growing to fuel our consumption. Soy beans are really fuzzy, really really fuzzy. Said Intruder, may or may not be the same tomato loving enemy, decided to take out the two big soy bean plants right at the stalk. Left the entire plant behind along with our precious
edamames. It happened sometime on Sunday after 10am and before 6pm. In broad daylight said intruder is violating the garden. An action plan is being formed to ward off against the violator.

Some of the squash, of unidentified species, is starting to grow. We need to do some selective trimming of the squash plants before they take over the entire garden. Hopefully intruder doesn't like these either. This little guy is suspending in the air, so any woodland creature should be off limits.
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