8 Week Ultrasound
December 22, 2009

Surprise, not only are we pregnant we are expecting twins. The doctor saw two babies right away but we were blissfully unaware. The first baby was measured and heartbeat verified first with no indication of the sibling baby hiding just around the corner. When the doctor was done with Baby A, she very clearly said, "Now let's move onto the next baby." Insert jaw-dropping to the floor here. So she measured and found the heartbeat for the second baby, now known as Baby B. Scary was going from one baby to two babies, most terrifying was when the doctor then said "let's make sure there isn't a third baby in there...."
December 22, the day of twins, Merry Christmas.
12 Week Ultrasound
January 19, 2010

12 weeks marked the end of the first trimester, which we made it through with little incident. Mostly tired and a few aversions, but no sickness to speak of. Babies mostly lived off of Wendy's double stack cheeseburgers and plain bagels. The biggest aversions were pork (still), pretty much all vegetables and well most other food.
It is amazing what a difference 4 weeks makes in the ultrasound, going from little gingerbread blobs to little people. Luckily, the babies were ready for their close-ups and were pretty cooperative, which is cute by them facing each other for their first scan. The babies have distinct personalities already. The left side baby was very active and moving all around during the scan. Right side baby was very chill and had its little hand on its hand like it was annoyed by its neighbor making such a commotion.
16 Week Ultrasound
February 16, 2010
16 weeks and the babies are growing and this time they got their official assignments as Baby A and Baby B. A baby is "closest to the exit" and B is hanging out above baby A. The babies were mostly uncooperative in trying to determine the genders. Baby A is suspect to be a girl, but "no painting the nursery pink yet" per the doctor. Baby B, is the wild child and wild card, not cooperative in the least, in fact its hands were on the privates and the umbilical cord was in the way. Genders will be determined March 12, which will be daddy's birthday present.
Twin Baby due date: We are shooting to make it to July 4th, which will be 36 weeks, anything past that will be considered bonus time. The max we will go to will be July 18th at 38 weeks. Going full term of 40 weeks posses more complications with multiples than with singletons. By week 30 we should have a good indication on the delivery plan, which all depends on the position of the babies.